Who we are
Love On A Leash® is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to providing an avenue for volunteer teams to engage in meaningful and productive pet therapy.
Our mission
Love on a Leash® is committed to bringing comfort, happiness, and healing to more people nationwide by increasing public awareness of pet therapy. Our volunteer organization provides an accessible certification process that allows qualified therapy teams to provide effective pet therapy in their communities.
What we do
A therapy pet's primary function is to brighten someone's day.
Therapy pets and their handlers visit wherever they are invited, including nursing homes, hospitals, schools to provide comfort and happiness.
Therapy animals are privately owned pets.
All Love on a Leash® members are volunteers and we never charge a fee for our visits.
We do not train or certify emotional support animals or service dogs.
At the end of a visit Love on a Leash® pets go home with their owners.
The majority of our therapy pets are dogs.
However, we also certify cats and rabbits that like people and have the proper temperament to visit with them.
We provide a certification process for therapy pets and their owners.
We also work to increase public awareness of the benefits of pet provided therapy.
Many Love on a Leash® volunteer teams also attend:
de-stress events at schools, corporations, and government wellness days.